Aerial agricultural imagery offers farmers a comprehensive and accurate understanding of their fields, allowing them to identify potential issues such as crop stress, disease outbreaks, or nutrient deficiencies early on. This enables timely interventions and targeted management practices, reducing yield losses and optimizing resource allocation.
Easily Identify A Variety of Issues
Early On
Minimize Input Waste,
Maximize Resource Allocation
Observe and Manage Fields and Large Areas

How Are Aerial Images Taken?
We utilize numerous sources and methods for collecting and analyzing aerial imagery, the source depends on the goal of the customer. Satellite imagery generally speaking is great for low cost, high cadence imagery throughout the season where the goal is whole field management/observations. While aircraft or drone based imagery is great for infrequent high resolution imagery where the goal is to measure or manage something specific within the field.

How Do I Utilize This Information?
By utilizing aerial imagery, farmers can make data-driven decisions regarding irrigation, fertilization, and pest control. This precision agriculture approach minimizes input waste and improves resource efficiency, leading to cost savings and environmentally sustainable farming practices.

Is This Process Time Intensive for a Large Farm?
Aerial imagery also enables farmers to monitor crop growth and assess field variability across large areas quickly. This information helps in optimizing planting strategies, adjusting cultivation practices, and improving overall crop yield and quality.